Pumpkin - Not Just for Halloween

While pumpkins are typically associated with Halloween, they are a healthy choice even after the trick-or-treat holiday.

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Use Halloween to Teach Children about Moderation and Healthy Choices

The doorbell rings. Ghosties and Goulies shout, "trick or treat" as you open the door.  Even though candy is the typical bounty given to appease Halloween tricksters, there are other options that can also delight children.

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Bats - Victims of Poor PR

It's difficult to think of Halloween without thinking of the classical monsters like Frankenstein and Dracula. Unfortunately, thanks to the good ol' Count, we have the wrong impression of bats.

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Autumn Colors - A Biochemical Symphony

Bright reds and purples are the hallmark of a stunning fall color display. While on the surface, trees my appear quiet and stationary, at the chemical level, there's a lot going on right now.
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